5 Amazing Affirmations for a Bit of Light on a Cloudy Day
Having a positive statement you can go to in times get tough is truly an amazing hack. Here are five affirmations for a bit of light on a cloudy day.

Keep reading to find out what affirmations are, the benefits, and more. Plus, find out some amazing tips to get the most out of your affirmations in your everyday life and how to create your own personalized mantras.
What are Affirmations
Affirmations are statements that can help rewire the mind and change how our thoughts are processed. They are usually in first person present tense in order to have a more impactful effect on the mind. An example of an affirmation is something along the lines of I know today is going to be amazing.
Information can also be used to help replace unhelpful thoughts with more helpful thoughts. An example of this would be replacing the thought I am a failure with a positive statement such as I am doing the best I can, that is enough.
The most practical benefit of affirmations is the way they help you become more solution-oriented. This is because when you use affirmations in the right way, they help you focus on the positive of a situation, allowing you to overcome challenges instead of adopting a defeated mindset.
Affirmations start to train our thoughts to believe in what we are saying. Basic science will tell us this. For example in this study, they found that if you smiled or laughed in a fake way, it was likely to turn into real smiling and laughing. This study here found that affirmations can even change our actions. Individuals who affirmed positive green Earth statements were more likely to recycle.
Affirmations can also have a physical effect on the body. They can be a good way to manage stress and reduce cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that tends to raise inflammation and be very detrimental when chronically released. Inflammation is related to many detrimental diseases such as cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, and more. Affirmations are also a good way to increase our self-awareness and positive thinking. When we start to say something over and over again, we start to believe we can do it. Better thoughts lead to better emotions and better actions that help us reach our goals.
5 Affirmations for a Bit of Light on a Cloudy Day
How delaying any longer, here are five affirmations for a bit of light on a cloudy day. These can help make you look at the brighter side of things, except the things you cannot change, and overcome difficulties. We cannot change the past, we can try to ensure our present leads to a future we can enjoy.
1. I am thankful for [one], [two], and [three] in my life.
This is a great affirmation to help you count your blessings. Even in trying times, there are things we can be grateful for.
2. I look at the glass half full in any situation.
No matter how troubling the situation is, there is always a bright side. Learn to look at the glass half full, thereby creating a solution-oriented mentality that helps you focus on overcoming challenges.
3. I am confident in my ability to succeed.
Self-doubt can be detrimental and many times we are our own worst critic. Trust in your gut and yourself more often. This is a great affirmation to help remind you that even if the situation looks bleak, you can do anything you put your mind to.
4. The Sun will set today and rise again tomorrow.
Bad times don’t last. Everything passes given enough time. This day will end and another will begin tomorrow.
5. My best is all I can do and I know that is enough.
Your best is all you can do in any given situation. Know this and know that it is enough. Even if you didn’t succeed, you did the best you could with the information and tools you had at the time. Even errors or mistakes can be a chance to grow and learn.
Quick Tips to Make Your Own
Here are some tips to help you make your own personalized affirmations that will actually work!
- 1st and Present – always make them in first person present tense
- Make Them Specific – you can make your affirmation specific to a certain situation that you need help with. For example, if you have trouble with public speaking and you have a presentation coming up, you can use an affirmation about confidence to help train yourself to act in a more confident way going forward. Practice Daily – a habit is something you will do automatically. Make affirmations a habit by using them daily.
- Mornings and Nights – use your affirmation first thing in the morning in order to set yourself up right for the rest of the day. Then, use them before you go to bed to help program them into your mind as you sleep.
- Different Media – use your affirmations in different ways with different media. This means saying them out loud, recording them and listening to them, writing them down, etc. Use post-it notes if you want, putting your affirmations on these notes and sticking them all over your home so that you see them daily.
The Takeaway
These are great affirmations for a little bit of light on a cloudy day. Use them when you need to focus on the brighter side of life. Plus, you can make your own personalized affirmations to help you with any given situation. Affirmations are a good way to help replace unhelpful thoughts with more helpful ones, so learn how to use them correctly and watch how you start to feel better, think better, and act better.
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