Here’s a Fall Reset Guide You Need to Try – Best Habits, Tips, and Prompts for Autumn

Autumn is a time for transition, a chance to make good changes and develop new habits. This is a fall reset guide perfect for making this time the best it can be for your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

A fall reset can boost wellbeing – source

Keep reading to find out what a fall reset is and how to use this guide for your benefit. Learn all the tips and tricks you need to help make this fall amazing.

What is a Reset Routine?

A reset routine is a guide to making small adjustments and developing new, healthier habits easily. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. A reset can help you reevaluate and take note of your life.

A fall reset specifically can help you when the seasons change from summer and autumn. It is a way to track progress, change habits, set new goals, and prepare for a new season. While this routine is a general one for the fall, you can always make changes, add tasks, take some off, etc.

Fall Reset Guide

Without further ado, here’s your fall reset guide! You’ll find ways to boost mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, with simple habits and changes. 

Set an Intention

For the season, set an intention. This can be something as simple as I want to find a new favorite sweater or something deeper like I want to feel more comfortable in my body. When setting intentions, phrase it in the first person tense, using the word ‘I.’ This will help make the task more personal to you.

Clean Up Your Space

Forget spring cleaning, let’s do some fall cleaning! Make your space more comfortable and inviting. Move furniture around, get a new rug, clear out the clutter, and clean up a bit. Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once too! Dust one day, vacuum the next day, etc.

Walk Daily

Make it a priority to walk more this season! Fall is a perfect time to walk a bit more, enjoying the breeze and changes to the world. The weather should be cooler and more forgiving (except if you live somewhere without seasons like me…). If you live in a less seasonal area, still add a walk or two into your routine. The days are shorter, so evening walks are the perfect time to make the day last.

Set Goals

Set goals that you want to accomplish this season. Maybe you want your business to grow, maybe you want to start a new crafting project, or maybe you want to plan that fun trip. Whatever it is, set the goal and keep your eye on the prize this season. If you have many goals, make a giant to-do list! It is even more helpful if you write out the goal and break it down into smaller, achievable steps.

Read More

As the season comes, there might be more holiday stress and family reunions afoot. Get into the habit of reading and relaxing to help reduce anxiety and stress from upcoming seasonal celebrations. Read something related to self-help, self-improvement, or even just a genre you like, such as fantasy or romance.

Practice Softer Mornings

Enjoy slow and soft morning routines this fall. Take a little bit more time with nourishing skincare, enjoy a morning drink, write down daily intentions, etc. Here is a guide to a morning routine that actually works wonders for the mind and body. Best of all, it doesn’t take 4 hours nor do you have to wake up at 5 am to do it!

Start a Journal

A lovely thing to do during this fall reset would be to start a new journal. Journals can be used in a variety of ways, from writing down thoughts to listing things to be grateful for and more! You can even use them as a way to store observations, quotes, or lyrics if done in a commonplace book style. One style of journaling is all about a continuous train of thought, helping you to write down everything and anything that’s going on in your mind. This can help you reduce rumination, and negative thoughts, and help you feel less overwhelmed. 

Check out this guide to learn 5 ways to journal! Plus, right below are fall reset journal prompts that might help you with that last tip!

Fall Reset Journal Prompts

Journaling is an amazing habit for any season. While there are many different ways to journal, some feel more comfortable having a prompt to guide them on the page. Here are some soft and sweet fall reset journal prompts that can help guide you in your daily writing.

  • What did I accomplish last month? What are my goals for this month?
  • What have I learned? What can I study further?
  • How can I show myself more self-compassion this season?
  • What am I feeling right now?
  • What am I looking forward to this season? What am I nervous about?

Simple Tips for Fall Wellness

Finally, here are some additional tips for fall you can use to make this season extra special.

The Takeaway

This fall reset guide can do wonders for the mind and body. The habits on here can help in this seasonal transition, and may even be beneficial all year round! Try out these tips and see how you feel. 

Health starts from within, so eat nutritious food, work out daily, and take care of your mental wellbeing. Don’t forget about microbiota health too! The microbiota affects the entire body, from metabolism, muscles, and immune system to digestion and more! Get all the resources you need about microbiota health for free here!

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