5 More New Year Affirmations to Reset Into the Next Month
Affirmations, when used correctly, can be a great way to retrain the mind, helping you take control of your life. These are 5 more New Year affirmations you can use to focus on your goals and reach your dreams.

Affirmations can help you look on the bright side and focus on solutions, not problems. You will be able to do more for yourself and others as you concentrate on action and believing in yourself. Check out this list for even more New Year affirmations, and keep reading for the best 5 below.
5 More New Year Affirmations to Reset Into the Next Month
Here are some lovely, motivational affirmations to recenter yourself and get you focused on what you want. Try them out and check out the tips at the end to make affirmations work for you.
1. Every day, in every way, I am improving.
Life is about improving. It is not about perfection, it is about progress. This is the case in anything, from skincare to fitness, etc. We are not perfect and we should not strive to be. We should focus on being better than yesterday.
This affirmation helps you to focus on the improvement in your life. It permits you to make mistakes and learn from them. Every day, you can focus on the improvements you can make and learn from your mistakes.
2. I choose to focus on the good in life and the positive side of things.
We can either focus on the good in life or focus on the negative. Of course, we cannot control everything that happens in life, but we can control how we act and react.
This affirmation is all about the positive in life. Choosing to focus on the positive can allow you to reduce stress, improve mental health, and make beneficial decisions when something negative does happen.
3. I am a magnet to opportunities. I look for success, and I take steps toward my goals.
Chase your dreams and let your dreams chase you. Look for opportunities, make them, let them come, etc. Make sure you are taking chances, trying, failing, and getting up to try again. The more we try the greater our chances of success.
This affirmation can help you reach your goals by keeping you focused on them in your day-to-day life. Focus on your goals, break them down into smaller, more achievable steps, and shoot your shot. Chase your goals with passion and joy.
4. I am worthy of everything I desire to have.
We are worthy, we are good, and we have nothing to prove to anyone. This is a mentality that can be challenging to absorb. Self-care and self-love practicing can help us get to a place where we feel like we deserve good in life, but you can also try and use this affirmation as well!
This affirmation focuses our attention and efforts on the fact that we are worthy of what we want. Thinking this way can allow you to be more positive and more active in your life as you work to accomplish your goals. You will take more proactive steps and be more confident as you try, and succeed, in getting what you desire.
5. I am deserving of everything I aspire to obtain.
Not only are we worthy of what we want, but we deserve it too. Thinking that we do not deserve something only harms our pursuit of happiness, making our goals seem out of reach and unachievable.
This affirmation allows you to start believing in yourself. You are worth and you deserve everything you are trying to have in life. Using this affirmation shifts your mentality into one that believes in yourself.
Quick Tips for to Make Affirmations Work
Here are some new tips to make these New Year’s affirmations work for you! Use your affirmation along with these tips to make them effective phrases.
- Write them – write your affirmations down on post-it notes and stick them all over your house. Place them in areas you glance at a lot, like the mirror, the bedpost, or the coffee maker.
- Say them – try saying your affirmations out loud, with emotion, and truly think about each of the words in your affirmations. Saying them out loud helps them process in the brain and gets them to stick.
- Journal with them – journaling is a way to focus the mind on the words. Use one affirmation and write extensively about them. You can use one a day and write out a couple of sentences, a page, or even more on the emotions! New to journaling? Try out any of these journaling techniques to make it a daily habit.
- Repeat them – repetition is key to making something a habit. Repeat your affirmations out loud many times per day to make them stick.
- Morning and Night – write or say your affirmations as soon as you wake up in the morning and do the same at night right before going to bed.
The Takeaway
Affirmations are a good way to stay focused on your goal and train your mind to be more positive. These are 5 more New Year affirmations you can use, along with these affirmations here, to change your life completely
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