8 Surprising Nutrients You Need to Support a Healthy Gut
Microbiota gut health is about more than just probiotics and probiotics. These are surprising nutrients you need to support a healthy gut.
Our body’s microbiome is essential for overall health and wellness, but it needs certain surprising nutrients to keep functioning at optimal health. Find out what these nutrients are and why gut health even matters in the first place here!
What is the Gut Microbiome
The gut microbiome is a colony of millions of bacteria that are important to our health. The state of our gut microbiome affects everything from our metabolism to digestion. Even our mental wellbeing is highly linked to gut health, as about 90% of serotonin, a happiness chemical, is made in the gut.
A well-balanced gut can reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease, lower inflammation, and reduce endocrine conditions. It can also help boost the immune system, reduce mental health disorders, and even reduce the occurrence of cancer.
8 Nutrients to Support a Healthy Gut
The microbiome needs to be balanced for wellness to flourish! Here are 8 surprising nutrients you need to consume to make sure your gut is healthy and happy.
1. Omega 3
Research has shown that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can have a positive effect on the gut microbiota, keeping it diverse and healthy. Furthermore, this nutrient can help boost digestion, reduce inflammation, and prevent autoimmune disease. Sources of omega-3 include nuts, fish, and seeds.
2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. It is created in the presence of sunlight in the skin and is used in thousands of ways in the body, supporting bones, muscles, brain health, and more. It is also involved in gut help as vitamin D helps regulate the immune system, including the part associated with the gut. While we can make it in our skin, food sources include beef, fish, organ meats like liver, and eggs.
3. Vitamin C
To support the immune system, use Vitamin C. While drinking high amounts may not help you get rid of a cold, it will help you by increasing the absorption of nutrients and reducing oxidative stress. Vitamin C is also involved in collagen production, which can help keep the gut lining strong. Sources high in vitamin C include bell peppers, strawberries, critiques, and broccoli.
4. Vitamin B
You need all of the B vitamins to support a healthy gut. Some B vitamins help form gut cells and other B vitamins make neurotransmitters needed for the brain and gut to communicate. B vitamins are also good for balancing the gut and making sure healthy gut bacteria thrive. Find this nutrient in many animal products like eggs, fish, meat, and dairy. You can also find it in nuts, mushrooms, leafy greens, avocados, and nutritional yeast.
5. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes, but it is also needed to keep the immune system high. As stated before, a lot of immune system properties are in the gut. By having adequate amounts of vitamin V, your immune cells are better able to keep the gut balanced and healthy. Good sources of vitamin A include leafy greens, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
6. Zinc
Zinc is a trace mineral involved in the repair of the body, helping it grow and thrive. It helps produce stomach acid for digestion. Zinc also helps to keep the cells of the intestinal tract healthy, so make sure you are eating it daily. You can find zinc in dairy, eggs, nuts, and seeds.
7. Selenium
Selenium is important for metabolism, but it also helps the gut as well! It tends to lower inflammation and acts as an antioxidant, preventing damage. It is also involved in the production of digestive acids because it helps support pancreatic function. Foods high in this nutrient include corn, animal products such as beef, chicken, eggs and milk, and seafood.
8. Magnesium
Magnesium is an important mineral, used to relax the muscles. It is even used by the body to maintain brain and heart function. It is a cofactor in hundreds of chemical reactions in the body as well, including reactions in the gut. The movement of food throughout the tract is needed for the body to digest and absorb nutrients. This movement is fueled by muscle contractions that need magnesium to function properly. Spinach and dark chocolate have magnesium in high quantities.
Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
Some signs of an unbalanced, unhealthy gut include insomnia, bloating, stomach issues, mental health issues, problems building muscles, and slow metabolism. You may notice weight gain, diseases, increased sickness, and unbalanced hormone function. Skin irritation and food intolerances may also develop.
These may occur when the body is undergoing too much stress or if someone even eats too much over-processed food. Even antibiotics reduce microbiome health, as an antibiotic does not select between good and bad bacteria. If you do take an antibiotic, make sure you are eating prebiotics and probiotics afterward to rebuild a healthy gut.
Other ways to make sure gut health is high are to stay hydrated, eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, chew slowly, reduce stress, and sleep properly at night. Plus, make sure you are eating the 8 nutrients above to ensure gut health is high!
Prebiotics and Probiotics to Eat
Probiotics are healthy bacteria you can consume to increase gut health. These are foods containing healthy live cultures of bacteria and prebiotics are the food consumed by the gut bacteria to thrive.
Probiotics include fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and natto. Other fermented foods include beverages like kefir and kombucha. Some foods also contain live cultures like Greek yogurt. Prebiotics include vegetables and fruits high in fiber.
The Takeaway
Gut health is vital. Try to build healthy habits like eating well, sleeping properly, hydrating, and making sure you are consuming the surprising nutrients you need to support a healthy gut. This can help you improve gut health, and overall wellness in no time.
Remember that health comes from within. Eat nutrient-dense food, move your body daily, and care for your mental health. Daily habits are the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. As shown above, take care of your gut health! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.