Are You Over-moisturizing Your Skin? Find Out the Signs
We’re all about moisturizing, especially during colder, dryer times, but is it possible to be over-moisturizing? Find out the signs that you are overdoing it with skincare now.

Keep reading to find out if it’s even possible to be over-moisturizing your skin. Is there a problem you didn’t know you were creating or is more moisture just more of a good thing? Learn why we use moisturizer, the importance of supporting the skin barrier, and much more today.
What is Moisturizer
A moisturizer is a product that contains emollients. These emollients moisturize, as they protect the skin from water loss. The basic function of the skin relies on a healthy skin barrier. Moisturizers help to support the skin barrier.
There are many different types of moisturizers. Everyone, including individuals with acne or oily-prone skin, can benefit from using a moisturizer. In some cases, lack of moisture in the skin can make our own skin overcompensate and create more oil. If you have oily skin, you may benefit from a gel-based moisturizer. If you have dry skin, a moisturizer with more emollients and hydrating ingredients can be beneficial.
The purpose of a moisturizer is to help the skin retain its hydration. Moisturizers tend to have lipids, or fats, that can help create a physical layer to prevent excess water loss. Common ingredients in moisturizers are humectants. These humectants help bind water to the skin, further increasing hydration.
Importance of the Skin Barrier
Skincare is not just for people who want to look good, it’s for everyone. This is because a good and simple science-based skincare routine helps to support the health of our skin barrier. Our skin barrier is the first line of defense that our insides have against the outside world. Our skin is also responsible for many biological roles and processes, and it even has its own microbiome. The skincare that we use translates over into pretty skin and healthy skin. A moisturizer is a simple way for us to accomplish this. More information on skincare can be found here, so make sure you check it out!
Moisture vs Hydration
There’s a big difference between hydrating and moisturizing. It may help that when you use a moisturizer, these products tend to have hydrating ingredients. Moisturizers are emollients and prevent water loss. Hydrating products such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid increase water in the skin.
This means that you can simply use a good moisturizer and you’ll already be gaining the benefits of a hydrating product. Check out this article here for a full breakdown of all the differences between hydration and moisture.
How Over-moisturizing Works
So, can you over-moisturize? Kind of. It’s a bit more complicated and a bit unlikely, to be honest. There is a condition called hyperhydration. This usually just occurs in the top layer of the skin. When you trap too much water and hydration, this can create an environment that causes bacteria and yeast to grow. Hyperhydration can lead to rashes, itchiness, redness, and sensitivity.
Sometimes, sweat or saliva can contribute to a type of over-hydration. When this type of water is trapped in the skin due to an emollient, it becomes a breeding ground for detrimental bacteria which can lead to issues.
Some subtle signs of overdoing it on the moisture can include clogged pores and breakouts. This is because whatever your skin doesn’t absorb just sits on your face, attracting dirt, dust, and bacteria.
How to Moisturize
For moisturizing, it’s hard to overdo it but you can overdo anything. The most important part is to find a simple skincare itching that helps support the health of the skin. Check out this very simple and basic skincare routine here.
At the end of the day, you really only need to apply moisturizer once, perhaps in the morning. If you feel the need to, after cleansing your face at night, reapply some moisturizer. Any other part of the body can also benefit from a simple once-a-day moisturizing routine. If you wash your hands often, then it might be very beneficial to moisturize your hands a bit more than other areas to restore hydration and protect your skin.
Skin Barrier and Moisturizer
So yes, well it’s possible to over-moisturize your skin, it’s not very common. Your skin will benefit from having a good moisturizer.
The skin barrier relies on a particular level of hydration. Well-hydrated and moisturized skin performs better than dry, irritated, and compromised skin. A moisturizer with good hydrating ingredients helps with the normal functions of the skin. These functions include protecting us from pathogens, temperature control, sensation, insulation, and much more.
A good moisturizer is one you will use. Moisturizers should have ingredients that are hydrating as well. They need to be non-comedogenic and fragrance-free if possible. Fragrance, for anyone, is an ingredient that doesn’t really do anything or contains any benefits. Fragrance only leads to irritation and sensitivity. Something that is fast absorbing and tested by a dermatologist can help support a strong skin barrier.
Signs of a compromised skin barrier include dryness, irritation, itching, sensitivity, or excessive oil production. Certain products can be used to help restore a compromised skin barrier. For example, some moisturizers are meant to repair the skin barrier due to supportive ingredients such as ceramides and glycerin.
The Takeaway
It’s hard to over-moisturize your skin, which is good for us to know. However difficult it may be, the chances of it happening are not zero. Make sure you’re watching out for signs that you are over-moisturizing. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Trapping too much water in the skin can lead to sensitivity, itchiness, rashes, and redness. Moisturize your face one to two times a day, and moisturize your body once a day. Try to moisturize your hands a bit more since we, hopefully, tend to wash your hands a lot more in general.
Remember that health comes from within. Eat nutritious food, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. The small daily habits you cultivate become the basis for overall wellness. Don’t forget about microbiota health too! Gut microbiota affects the entire body, from the skin to muscles, to immune and mental health! Get all the resources you need about microbiota health for free here!